In this installation visitors are invited to explore a virtual mine of sounds and words to create a personal and intimate meaning and experience.
The system presented here, which links orality and gestural performance, is an invisible and impalpable auditory interface for performing real-time sound poetry through body interaction. The environment is composed of a video sensor, which detects the movement of every part of the users’ body, and four speakers that display the sound created and controlled in real-time by the users. The sound space consists of an archive of prerecorded poetry that the users can modify and modulate through active participation with their body. Through the exploration of the different correspondence between body and space, the users are able to create their own new sound poetry compositions.

Take it seriously, or just do it for fun!

Thanks to Lello Voce and Rosaria Lo Russo

Developed at the Interface Culture Lab, University of Art and Design Linz, (AT), 2012

Technical Description: 4 loudspeakers, Microsoft Kinect, sound card, a computer running Pure Data (Pd).


A brief demonstration / Test: Navigating and shaping a poem of Antonin Artaud






One of the hosts of FM4 tried the installation at the Ars Electronica Festival 2012 (courtesy of ORF FM4)



Center Eksperimentov Maribor – European Capital of Culture, Maribor (SLO), 26.11.2012 – 08.12.2012

Tag der offenen Tür, Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz (AT), 12.11.2012

Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (AT), 30.08.2012 – 03.09.2012


Press:, 3.09.2012

Roland Gratzer, Wir scheißen uns ein Alphabet, September 2012

ORF – Fm4, Ars Electronica 2012 videoblog, September 2012

Interview on Radio FRO, September 2012